Michelle S. Chong

The background is generated by digits of Pi. Red for even and blue for odd integers.

“Good general theory does not search for the maximum generality, but for the right generality.”
--Saunders Mac Lane

“The elegance of a mathematical theorem is directly proportional to the number of independent ideas one can see in the theorem and inversely proportional to the effort it takes to see them.”
--George Pólya

About me

I'm an Assistant Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology

My research interests lie in the theoretical foundations of mathematical control and systems theory and its applications. In particular, the development of estimation and control algorithms for hybrid and nonlinear dynamical systems (such as cyber-physical systems, networked systems, mutli-agent systems and autonomous systems), with applications to neuroscience (neural stimulation devices), robotics and energy systems.  A special aspect of interest is the security, safety and privacy of cyber-physical systems. 

I enjoy rigour, and to continuously advance and merge fundamental theory from systems and control theory and optimization, for new insights and applications in current and emerging domains.


September 2024 - I will be at the Symposium on Systems Theory in Data and Optimization, at Uni. of Stuttgart, Germany. We will be presenting two papers:


June 2024 - I will be at the European Control Conference in Stockholm. We will be presenting two papers on Friday Session A (10am):

June 2024 - Tomas Meijer has successfully defended his thesis on 'Estimation and Control for Discrete-time Parameter-Varying and Descriptor Systems'. Congratulations, Dr. Meijer.

May 2024 - My new course for MSc students on Fault Diagnostics and Security for Control Systems begins for the first time!

April 2024 - I am spending 3 weeks in April at the Department of Automatic Control, Lund University for the focus period on 'Security and fault-tolerant control of cyber-physical systems'. 

March 2024 - New Papers. Accepted at the European Control Conference (ECC) 2024.


December 2023 -  I will be at the IEEE CDC 2023 in Singapore and also visiting the Nanyang Technological University, NTU.


October 2023 - New Paper. Accepted at IET Energy Systems Integration. [paper]
"Application of data-driven methods in power systems analysis and control"
with Octavio Bertozzi, Harold Chamorro, Edgar O. Gomez-Diaz, Shehad Ahmed.


July 2023 - New Papers. Accepted at the IEEE CDC 2023.


July 2023 - I will be at the IFAC World Congress 2023 in Yokohama, Japan. 

We will be presenting the following works:


July 2023 - Talk at Autonomy Talks, Institute for Dynamic Systems and Control, ETH Zürich.


June 2023 - Talk at Tel Aviv University, Israel. By invitation of Emilia Fridman. 


June 2023 - I will be at the European Control Conference (ECC) 2023.
Our paper "Resilient Set-based State Estimation for Linear Time-Invariant Systems Using Zonotopes" will be presented on Thursday at the ThA4 session on Fault Diagnosis.
[paper] This paper has also been invited for submission to the European Journal of Control.


May-June 2023 - I will be giving a course on 'Security and safety of networked cyber-physical systems' at Technion Institute of Technology, Israel.  Many thanks to my hosts, Christian Grussler and Leonid Mirkin.


February 2023 - Talk at TU Delft, the Netherlands, in conjuction with being on the committee for the PhD graduation of Twan Keijzer (congratulations!):
"Adventures in secure state estimation for systems under attacks: from both sides"


December 2022 - New paper. Entropy for incremental stability of nonlinear systems under disturbances, presented at IEEE CDC 2022. [paper] [talk]


October 2022 - New paper. Plug-and-Play Secondary Control for Safety of LTI Systems under Attacks.


New paper. Resilient Set-based State Estimation for Linear Time-Invariant Systems Using Zonotopes.


Email : mstchong [at] gmail [dot] com OR m.s.t.chong [at] tue [dot] nl

Office: Gemini-South -1.145

Address: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, the Netherlands.

Twitter: @mst_chong


Please see my Google Scholar profile page for a most up-to-date list.

Recordings of some of my talks can be found here.


Are you searching for a PhD or Postdoc position? Please contact me directly!

Are you a Bachelor/Masters student searching for an internship or a graduation project? See here